Ineffable Slime - Stalking the Sphinx CD

Ineffable Slime - Stalking the Sphinx CD


Ineffable Slime has been carving out their name in subterranean harsh noise with recent releases on Fusty and Tribe Tapes. On Stalking the Sphinx, the artist builds on the insanity of previous offerings with a massive full-length CD of spastic yet well-composed dynamic noise.

Dusty cryptological rituals from the New Mexico desert. Squelching tape manipulation and feedback, pulsating synth tones communicating from some unfriendly galaxy. Four long tracks that evolve and engage as they unfold, revealing hints of influence from early industrial tape music to more recent esoteric post-industrial artists.

A bizarre, hallucinatory monster lurking like a scorpion in your boot.

Limited edition pro-CD in jewel case.
Mastered by Grant Richardson.

Ineffable Slime - Stalking the Sphinx CD Image 2
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